Manual Therapy?

The use of the hands as way of bringing forth improved health is perhaps the most ancient form of healing that has stood up to the test of time and is still is practiced today in multiple forms. 

Anma, Shiatsu, Osteopathy, Naprapathy, Chiropathy, Massage Therapy which has various styles in itself, are all forms of Manual Therapy.

As renowned as Manual Therapy has been for thousands of years, it is still a new experience for many of us that brings many questions.

Below is a list of some of the most frequently asked questions relating to Manual Therapy. Click for more information.

What is manual therapy?

Manual therapy is a hands-on approach used by trained healthcare professionals, like Massage therapists or Osteopaths, to assess, treat, and manage various conditions affecting the muscles, joints, and other soft tissues of the body. 

During manual therapy, the therapist uses their hands to apply precise and controlled movements, pressure, and stretches to targeted areas of the body. These techniques aim to alleviate pain, improve mobility, and enhance overall physical function by addressing issues like muscle tension, joint stiffness, and restricted movement. It's like giving your body a skillful, therapeutic "tune-up" using skilled touch and movements.

The best time to go for manual therapy is when you're experiencing discomfort, pain, or limitations in your body's movement. It's especially helpful when you notice muscle tension, joint stiffness, or difficulty performing everyday activities due to physical issues. 

Manual therapy can also be beneficial after an injury, surgery, or when recovering from certain medical conditions. Essentially, it's a good idea to consider manual therapy when your body feels like it needs some expert assistance to feel better, move more freely, and improve overall comfort.

  1. Acute Injuries: If you've recently experienced a severe injury, like a fracture, sprain, or strain, it's best to wait until the initial healing phase is complete before undergoing manual therapy.
  2. Infections or Inflammation: If you have an active infection or significant inflammation in the area, manual therapy could potentially worsen the condition and spread the infection.
  3. Intoxication: Alcohol is a diuretic, which means it promotes dehydration, and this can increase the risk of muscle cramps during your massage. Massages encourage blood circulation, and alcohol consumption before a session can result in quicker intoxication and potentially a severe hangover due to the enhanced blood flow.
  4. Unexplained Pain: If you're experiencing unexplained or undiagnosed pain, it's important to consult a healthcare professional before pursuing manual therapy, as it could mask underlying issues.
  5. Certain Medications: If you're taking blood-thinning medications or have a bleeding disorder, manual therapy might increase the risk of bruising or bleeding.
  6. Recent Surgeries: Right after surgery, your body needs time to heal properly. Manual therapy might interfere with this healing process, so it's best to wait until your surgeon or healthcare provider gives you the green light.
  7. Pregnancy: During pregnancy, some manual therapy techniques might not be suitable due to changes in your body's structure.

Always consult with a qualified healthcare professional before undergoing manual therapy, especially if you have any medical conditions, are on medications, or have concerns about its appropriateness for your situation. They can guide you on whether it's safe and beneficial for you.

If you're planning to train, it's generally a good idea to schedule your workout before your manual therapy session. This way, your muscles are warmed up and more receptive to the therapy. Light training after a session such as walks and dynamic stretching can sometimes be beneficial too, as it can help reinforce the positive effects of the therapy and keep your body moving smoothly.

However, it's important to listen to your body. If you've had an intense workout that's left you fatigued or sore, it might be a good idea to give yourself some time to rest before a manual therapy session. On the other hand, if the therapy involves deeper work or targeted areas, it's possible that you might want to avoid very strenuous training immediately after, as your body might need some recovery time.

Remember, communication is key. If you have specific training goals or concerns, let me know so we can work together to create a plan that suits your needs. And if you ever feel unsure about the timing, don't hesitate to ask. I'm here to support your wellness journey in the best way possible!"

The frequency of your manual therapy sessions can depend on a few factors: your current condition, your goals, and how your body responds to the therapy. In general, for addressing specific issues or injuries, it's often recommended to start with more frequent sessions, such as once or twice a week, to provide consistent relief and improvement.

As you progress and start feeling better, we can gradually space out the sessions to every two weeks or even once a month. The goal is to find a balance where you're maintaining the progress we've made while also allowing your body to adapt and heal.

Ultimately, it's important to listen to your body. If you start feeling discomfort or notice a decline in your mobility, it might be a sign that it's time for another session. Regular communication with me will help us determine the best frequency for your unique needs. Remember, the ultimate aim is to keep you feeling your best and moving comfortably!

Keep in mind that the frequency of manual therapy sessions can vary widely depending on the individual and their circumstances.

Manual therapy can be helpful for individuals of various ages and conditions. It's commonly used to address issues like muscle tension, joint stiffness, and limited mobility. It's also often used to aid in recovery after injuries or surgeries.

While manual therapy is generally safe and effective, there are some situations where caution is advised. For instance, individuals with certain medical conditions or those who are in specific stages of pregnancy might need to avoid treatment or have modified techniques applied. It's important to have a thorough discussion with a healthcare professional before starting manual therapy, especially if you have any health concerns.